Pete James is a forensic and online database expert. After he retired as a lieutenant from the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office in California, he formed to help officers and other first responders protect themselves and their families by limiting the amount of information that’s out there on the internet. 

And trust me, there’s a lot!

In this episode with Pete, you will learn: 

  • Why it’s impossible to completely erase yourself from the internet. 
  • What you can do by yourself to limit the type of information that is available on the internet. 
  • How online people search databases work and why vigilance is required to maintain your privacy.

Learn more at If cleaning up your name on the internet and making it harder for criminals to find you is important to you, check out the deal at where you’ll get a FREE USB data blocker and a one free month of monitoring when you sign up. 

I want to offer you something that I’m very excited about, and it’s absolutely FREE. We are launching Tactical Tuesdays – a free weekly email where we bring you a few tactics, tips and strategies to help you succeed in the week ahead. It may be about a book I want to share, gear I’ve found useful, an inspiring quote, or anything else I think you’d like. To sign up for the Tactical Tuesdays email list, you can visit or just text your email address to 805-364-2331. I promise we won’t sell or spam your email account. 

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